Supervised Visitation/Visitation Facilitation

The Visitation Facilitator will assist parents in learning and practicing new concepts of parenting and to assess their own ability to parent through interaction with the child.

Domestic Violence

Direct Workers and Counselors service survivors, children, and batterers. Services are provided as one component of a coordinated community response to domestic violence, and an include individual therapy, education, group sessions, safety planning, parenting education, advocacy, and more.

Substance Abuse Treatment

We recognize addiction as a disease that requires person-centered treatment like any other diseases. Therefore, we have experienced, trained, and licensed social workers and therapists who offer individualized services both in the office and home utilizing evidenced based practices in individualized or group setting.  We provide services in a structured, goal oriented, time-limited therapy in the natural environment of an individual who need assistance to recover from substance abuse problems.

Group Programs

Weko Family services facilitates different groups in the clinic targeting different populations with different age groups, needs, interest and scope of our practice under the guidance of a professionally trained therapist.