Weko Family services program offers a variety of services to meet the unique needs of each family who comes to us whether voluntarily or by referral or through the legal system. Each individual or family in our program will be matched with one of our providers who will come to meet the client’s in the office or home to determine what the family’s needs are.


There are inevitably times in everyone’s life when help is needed. When you need someone outside your family or friends to talk to or listen in order to help realign your personal life or guidance through a challenging times or difficult situation. We are here for you.

Case Management

The family caseworker is responsible for collaborating with families to assist them in coordinating, maintaining or acquiring their basic needs of food, housing, employment, budgeting, social skills and community networks in order to allow for improved family functioning as a whole and within the community.

Resource Family

Resource family Support services is a program aimed at training, supporting, caring, advocating, and linking foster parents, approved parents, approved relatives or approved non-relative, or extended family with resources they need to provide and maintain children in a safe environment. The program is to provide a child with a feeling of safety, permanence, and well-being wherever the child is placed. Our role is to work diligently to preserve, support, and stabilize foster family home placements, and to promote the well-being of children, youth, and families.

Father Engagement

The Fatherhood Engagement Program is designed to engage absent and/or non-resident fathers in the Department of Child Services. The Family Case Plan will be developed that promotes father’s engagement in a positive relationship with the child.


Our Tutoring Services are an extension of the overall mission of  Weko Family Services to empower, create opportunity and hope for family by providing an intensive, and individualized interventions that help equip students with language learning differences to become competent and lifelong learners in reading, writing, math, study skills, and subject-based tutoring. 

Parent Aid

Weko Family service offers in-home support to help parents build the capacity to fulfill their parent and homemaking responsibilities. Such support or skills can include budgeting, childcare, house cleaning, cooking, time management, social skills, hygiene and problem solving.